Please avoid using Lincoln for anything. He was our first MAJOR dictatorial president. Professor Thomas DiLorenzo's book "The Real Lincoln" spells out what a psychopathic control freak he was. https://www.amazon.com/Real-Lincoln-Abraham-Agenda-Unnecessary/dp/0761526463 4.7 rating out of 1272 reviews. The guy was a total whack job. He makes Chairman Mao blush. SERIOUSLY. Other than that...I am convinced the founders saw too many issues with the Articles that they just plain felt needed to be dealt with. The major one was the lack of monetary values that Judge Roger Sherman wrote about in A Caveat Against Injustice https://www.courageouslion.us/p/a-caveat-against-injustice-bcb

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Author

Thanks for reading and for your comment.

My understanding of Lincoln is that he was a Nationalist who wanted a stong, centralized federal government (as did Hamilton) but one thing most people can agree on is that he was President during a very difficult and painful period in America’s history. But, still I think it’s a good quote. A comparison that Lincoln would make Mao blush? Yikes! I don’t recall stories that Lincoln turned the youth against their parents/elders, created a purposeful famine, killed and persecuted his rivals, and is credited with killing millions and millions of people. Stats on civil war deaths say "For more than a century, the most-accepted estimate was about 620,000 dead. A specific figure of 618,222 is often cited, with 360,222 Union deaths and 258,000 Confederate deaths." https://www.history.com/news/american-civil-war-deaths

History is written by the victor. Lincoln won. The first time I saw Sherman's statute in DC in my youth, I was shocked that he was considered a hero, having been born in the south and hearing my g-mother discuss "the war between the states and Sherman's astrocities." She was born in 1907, and she heard stories from her g-parents. Stories are hearsay unless we have documented witness accounts (which we do).

Hamilton was the biggest critic of the AOC as I've discussed and fortunately for us, Madison began to see and understand the "Anti-Federalists" arguements, unlike Hamilton.

In complete Marxist dogma, we can probably agree that Biden/Harris administration has turned youth against their parents/elders: https://www.advocate.com/politics/white-house-gender-care-clarification

Are you familiar with Leon Festinger’s theory of Cognitive Dissonance? https://archive.org/details/theoryofcognitiv0000fest/page/n5/mode/2up

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