Aug 8Liked by Liz LaSorte

Splendid. Thanks for the article and the lack of pretension and not once talking down to those you are speaking with. I really appreciate this.

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Thank you!

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Aug 9Liked by Liz LaSorte

KEEP PREACHING IT! When the system collapses, we will have the opportunity to once again set up the Articles as law of the land

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The CON(JOB)stitution is the casket that the Declaration was buried in.

I also appreciate Lysander Spooner's take: "But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist."

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Thank you for reading and commenting.

I cherish being the “heir’ to the American Experiment and that thought is confirmed after speaking with many of the legal immigrants I’ve been fortunate to work with – people from Peru, India, a Palestinian from Israel with no homeland, China, Ukraine, Russia, Liberia, Bangladesh, et. al. The universal comments from those legal immigrants are that Americans have no idea how fortunate we are to live freely and the ability to create “the American dream” with a little elbow grease, and I do believe that the origins come from the American Experiment (Constitution) with our cherished Bill of Rights. UK and other western countries do not have a 2nd Amendment which we know was designed to protect us from a tyrannical government. But, as our freedoms continue to erode faster with each passing day, the next generation might not understand any of it if it is memory holed. That said, my ideal is limited state governments (which we certainly don’t have either) because I’m not convinced that no government is the best way either. Madison’s argument why we need government is the same as the anarchists – that men are no angels. What a conundrum!

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