Jul 5Liked by Liz LaSorte

We have billions of barrels of oil that could be used to pay down the debt. Our military pays for a ridiculous amounts of expensive military technology with a good portion being wasted and non functional weapons. Too many agencies wasting money.

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The MAJOR reason we have any of these issues going on is because...https://www.courageouslion.us/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks

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So let's reduce the size of the federal government and get rid of a lot of the sociopaths. Reducing the federal government will have a domino effect on the state and local level too, since the funds will stop, thus causing all of us to ask what do we really need from a government?

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Liz LaSorte

I have read this and find numerous points that are being made that are debatable. This is one:

"growing 34+ trillion dollars debt" If you can tell me what the "debt" is in or of, I'll send you 100 pounds and even pay shipping. " Texas had enough and started Operation Lone Star to defend her borders " That's whose job it is according to the LACK of any instruction to the Federal government to do so in the Constitution. It's the States job. Not the Feds. America is a failed state because of two major reason written of here: https://www.courageouslion.us/p/there-is-a-reason-they-dont-listen

America is a failed state because the CONSTITUTON IS BEING IGNORED. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/the-phantom-constitution America is a failed state because past generations have ALLOWED COMMUNISM to creep in and today we don't even see it as that!

https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style America is a failed state because we have ALLOWED the enemies of freedom to TEACH OUR CHILDREN in the 10th plank government schools that doesn't teach, it INDOCTRINATES. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/the-real-purpose-for-government-public America is a failed state because we have allowed the Constitution and Bill of rights to be crapped on over and over...

“A regrettably large share of our legal experiences operate not in the shadow of the Constitution and its constraints, but rather in the shadow of explicitly unconstitutional rules, actions, and orders. In the time it takes for improper Executive Orders to be reined in, for illicit administrative decisions to be corrected, and for misinterpretations of constitutional power to be overturned, so much of society’s activity is framed by what we might call the not-Constitution — all those acts of government that are deemed illegal only after they have caused enduring harm. A most troubling aspect of government power is its insistence on pushing past constitutional constraints and operating in a blurry legal wilderness of its own creation while forcing Americans to prove that those power grabs lack legitimacy.” –J.B. Shurk

American has become a failed state and the most destructive to peace on the planet! Because we have ALLOWED a standing army to exist in VIOLATION of the Constitution and we even rah rah rah our "troops" as they murder, steal and rape the nations they invade. The UNITED STATES has become a failed state because the Constitution is simply NOT FOLLOWED but the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO is to the tee with every one of the 10 planks in force and effect. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style SO NOW WHAT?

Doing more paper work isn't going to solve the problem.

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Thanks for your comment, CL. Fair enough. And agreed that the constitution has been ignored.

The ink on the Bill of Rights was barely dry when Alexander Hamilton got his national bank in 1791 and he quickly began funding a standing army. (reference - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17286684-jefferson-and-hamilton)

Fortunately for America, when Thomas Jefferson won the 1800 election, he rolled back the unconstitutional measures of Adams and Hamilton, et. al. and trimmed the budget, as you know.

But, bottom line, the constitution created a bigger, central government than the Articles of the Confederation and as you stated, those who are drawn to power tend to be megalomaniac/sociopathic types, so less government, less megalomaniacs ruling over us.

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I don't know what the country was like under the Articles except for what Judge Roger Sherman experienced due to the lack of monetary restraint. I We weren't alive to live under it, but I suspect it would be a lot less burdensome than the Communist Manifesto we live under today. The Constitution has it flaws, but the major issue was the loss of our control of the money and the loss of the first thirteen words of the 2nd amendment. I suspect that the latter is going to come back into vogue soon as it will be an answer to the over reaching insanity the feds are shoving down our throat and every person damaged by them is 100 more pissed off who know about it.

If you haven't read Sammy Used to Love Homegrown Green Beans, https://www.courageouslion.us/p/sammy-used-to-love-homegrown-green you should. I had first hand experience to sit down with a victim of the government. He lost his son and wife to the bastards. We are slow to anger, but when it finally happens...https://www.courageouslion.us/p/i-just-want-to-be-left-alone

These incidents will weigh heavy enough on the minds of the lions to fester to the point of raw vengeance. I wouldn't want to be me shooting at me. When a long train of abuses....

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Agreed. We would not have had the Bill of Rights without the “Anti-Federalists.” I found Brutus 1-10 very helpful to give us insight in what those days in 1787 were like and no doubt that the lack of a unified currency and communication hindered the war efforts. But we did win the war under the AOC.

A farmer’s quote in Antifederalist #3 is fascinating because it is Orwellian newspeak in the 18th century to label the real federalists as “anti-federalists” when the so-called federalists were the real nationalists, not federalists. Just goes to prove that times change, human nature doesn’t.

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Sep 9Liked by Liz LaSorte

I have been making this same argument, if you will, for the past 30 years (not as eloquent as yours).

The only way this idea would be possible is the overthrow of the present government first. Unfortunately the vast majority have no stomach for such an undertaking. Unlike the 1770's through the 1780, the American people have become sniveling cowards. It would take, at a minimum, 1 million well trained, well-armed and well-motivated military minded men to accomplish such a feat. I honestly do NOT believe we have that number available today

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The twisting thread shall stretch and snap, the straw shall break the camels back and tables when they turn shall bring a swift end, friend. Yes things divine can wrench and bend the well laid plans of mice and men and when they do what will the traitors do then? I've been waiting for 45 years.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 10Author

Thanks for your comment and I’m afraid you may be right. It is unlikely that we can negotiate our way out of this mess since red and blue states are so far apart – 19 states voted for the current Convention of the States (all red/conservative states wanting to reign in federal waste) v 17 blue states who voted for the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact and it appears to be a stalemate now. Blue states are led by people who have no understanding of why our founders did not want to set up a direct democracy/popular vote.

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How is the accumulated federal debt to be paid if such were to happen? Asset sale? Probably wouldn't be enough.

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Good question, and I know there are a ton of them. This idea would involve a great deal of discussion, negotiation and transition and the devil is in the details.  We will need the fiscal wisdom of people like Rand Paul.

But, think of all the money that wouldn’t be spent just on welfare alone– domestic and international.  We do need national defense (but not using the miliary for offense will reduce the military budget a GREAT deal and who knows how much fraud won’t happen? It’s sick that we don’t know the full amount of waste and squandering going on right now.

The market anarchists have some good ideas on building roads, etc.  

This is a pie in the sky idea, but wasn’t the idea that creating Federalism under a central government and thinking it would not create corruption a pie in the sky idea too?

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