Thanks for the info. Dr. Ana Mihalcea had the interestoing idea of bringing lawsuits against the pilots. That might be doable IF we were able to get the tail numbers of the planes and I don't know how we go about that, since I'm assuming they fly low enough that they don't file flight plans and they're too high up to see the numbers. We need a brigade of involved citizens who live near these military bases to gather information.

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Liz....I would appreciate it if you would contact me. I am the founder of TN Citizens for State Sovereignty. We have sponsored legislation that would create 5 different ways in which to invoke nullification taking into consideration separation among the branches of government when the federal government steps outside of its constitutional lane. This was how our founders envisioned the Constitution would function. I would like to find out more about the proposal of your organization. karen.bracken@reagan.com 215-692-2147

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Thanks for reading! Will do!

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Karen, I've been avidly following developments of the Tennessee legislature. I know the ban against chemtrails took effect July 1. What I haven't been able to find out is how they will go about enforcing this. Do you know?

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Yes there was a law passed to stop geoengineering but there was no enforcement agency or penalties in the bill. The problem is determining who to go after. Most of these planes are either government planes or private planes contracted by the government. They are working on the enforcement piece but thought getting the law passed was too important to wait for the determination of how to enforce. But Rep. Fritts said he was committed to create enforcement. My concern is that other states have similar law and they had enforcements listed but that does not mean they will actually be able to enforce the law. Rep. Fritts wants to make sure we do it right. More to come.

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