May I suggest hiring or finding a copy editor before you post? Some of this was very unclear and had errors that obscured your meaning.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 25Author

Thanks for reading and your comment. Can you give specifics?

I would Love the luxury of another set of eyes to review my writing, but I work full time to barely pay the bills to live [frugally], thus I don’t have funds like that for my hobby. Obviously, I’m not a professional writer; I’m merely a passionate mother who wishes to do something to preserve the country I love for the next generation, knowing that our government has usurped the idea of what America should and could be.

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I'm fairly busy as a writer and editor. I'm now paid for those skills, so I tend to guard the time. I suggest reading your draft aloud to yourself or a partner. You'll begin to catch where sentences don't make sense or where you omitted words.

I had to do that as I began. It's the best way to teach yourself how to edit. Editing is as critical as drafting for clarity.

Also, as you read aloud, ask yourself, "Would this make sense to a person who stumbled on my writing for the first time?" Or "Does this sentence make me stop and think twice about what it's trying to say?" Avoid acronyms if you can. It takes up time but it's easier on the reader.

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