God, in His providential wisdom, has provided us an astounding array of botanical remedies. Pharmaceutical drugs often seem to work by inhibiting some enzyme our bodies make. In the case of drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, indomethacin, they work by irreversibly inhibiting cyclooxygenase. Three years ago I terminated my relationship with all these drugs. And I've found that I have far less pain and recover more quickly from injuries than in the days when I used to take an aspirin a day. Instead, I eat mostly whole foods, flavored with copious amounts of herbs/spices, very little sugar, and always swallow about 1 teaspoon of freshly chopped garlic before bed, which is very antiinflammatory.

Exercise is also important and I'm not talking about doing it indoors, but getting outside in fresh air. It's good for one's mood, increases metabolism and is antiinflammatory.

Dermatologists have brainwashed us that we can't go outside in the sun without first putting on sunscreen. But many studies show that getting 20 minutes of sun a day on bare skin helps our mood, our sleep and our health.

Most of today's doctors and psychiatrists give lip service to being concerned about our health, but my opinion, after many decades of living both with their recommendations and without, is that they're too brainwashed by Big Pharma and more interested in padding their own bank accounts. A few exceptions exist, such as Dr. Axe, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Berg, The Midwest Doctor, holistic doctors.

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I have a book on my desk right now. It is titled The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas S. Szasz MD. Get it into your personal library. https://www.amazon.com/Myth-Mental-Illness-Foundations-Personal/dp/0061771228 Another good one is Medication Madness by Dr. Peter Breggin. https://www.amazon.com/Medication-Madness-Psychiatric-Violence-Suicide/dp/031256550X

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30Author

Thanks for reading!

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